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Value Maximization Framework

Value Maximization Framework - Outline

Phase I - Resource Commitment (1-2 weeks)

Much like a large enterprise system implementation, a value maximization project should begin with major buy-in from stakeholders and a commitment of resources including money, time, and personnel. Here is a minimum checklist of required resources to begin value maximization effort.

Executive Level Sponsor
Management Level Buy-In
Implementation Team
Implementation Steering Committee
Initial Budget
Communications Team

Phase II – Current State Analysis (4-10 Weeks)

Developing an understanding of the value generated through resource expenditures requires a thorough analysis of current business processes and associated costs. This will require identifying available data sources, conducting process interviews, and creating an initial project plan. This exercise will form the basis for calculating Value Maximization based on the differential between the current state and the desired future state of operational efficiency.

Current Business Pain Points
Service Delivery Analysis
Process Reviews
Cost Data Analysis
Current Decision Support Capabilities

Phase III - Future State Analysis (4-8 Weeks)

Using the deliverables from Phase II of the Maximization Framework, we will perform additional detailed analysis and define several future-state models around expenditures and processes. In addition, we will perform benchmarking against the current-state of value and begin to identify opportunities for improvement.

Service Delivery Opportunities (prioritized and quantified)
Process Improvement Opportunities (prioritized and quantified)
Baseline Cost Model
Cost Reduction Opportunities (prioritized and quantified)
Future State Decision Support Requirements

Phase IV – Recommendations and Action Plans (4-12 Weeks)

The baselines and opportunities identified in Phase III of the Maximization Framework will act as a foundation for developing recommendations and action plans. We will also begin to formulate a way to measure changes in value against expected results during plan implementation.

Cultural Realignment Action Plans
Business Process Improvement Action Plan
Cost Improvement Action Plan
Vendor Realignment and Change Management Plan
Human Resource Action Plan
Decision Support Modernization Plan
Governance and Continual Improvement Plan

Phase V – Implementation (6 Months – 1 Year)

This is the most difficult and time consuming part of the framework. Execution of the Action Plans developed in Phase IV must be executed in a coordinated effort to minimize risk. The framework suggests 6 months to a year in duration; however, CIO Street has experienced longer implementations based on organizational size and complexity. Often (especially in large environments), it is recommended to utilize the framework incrementally by concentrating on individual business groups or departments.

Implementation Plan
Implementation Budget
Business Process Reengineering
Decision Support Modernization
Cost Reduction Initiative
Vendor Realignment Initiative
Human Resource Actions

Phase VI - Post Implementation

Once the implementation is complete and the initial cost reductions and process improvements are actuated the Value Maximization project is far from over. As an organization begins to experience the benefits of the new environment, additional cost savings and efficiency possibilities will continue to be exposed. A Value Maximization effort should be viewed as a continuously evolving tool that can change as the organization grows.

Lessons Learned
Continuous Improvement

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